Food & Basic Needs
Hotline: Basic Needs
211 Resource Hotline | Heartland United Way
call 2-1-1 or 402-444-6666
The 211 call center and database helps connect residents to: Utility Assistance, Rent Assistance, Food Pantries, Shelter and Housing Services, Clothing, Abuse Prevention, Behavioral Health Services, Support Groups, Senior Services, Transportation, Disaster Services, Government Shutdown Support, Legal Services, Health Care Services, Family Support, Financial Assistance and Education
Food: Pantry
Nebraska City Food Pantry C/O First United Methodist Church
1023 1st Ave, Nebraska City, NE 68410, USA
Keitha Thomson
First and third Mondays each month, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Volunteers are currently bringing bags of food & hygiene items outside for curb-side pickup, observing physical distancing practices. To arrange an appointment for emergency needs, call the Church Office 402-873-3821.
Food: Pantry
Lincoln Food Bank Truck
121 N Steinhart Park Rd, Nebraska City, NE 68410
Third Friday of the month from Noon-1pm. NEW LOCATION for Dec. 18.
This month, the distribution will take place at the Nebraska City Street Department Building on 4th Corso and 19th Street.
Recipients are asked to enter by going south on 22nd Street, turning left onto 2nd Corso, then going south on 19th Street to enter the facility through the 19th Street gate. This will form a line to follow. Once inside the gate follow instructions. Do not enter from 4th Corso. 4th Corso will be the exit. Recipients are asked to not block streets, intersections, or driveways while waiting
Basic Needs
Nebraska City Ministerial Association
917 Wildwood Ln, Nebraska City, NE 68410, USA
402-874-9638 or 402-209-0656
Dorothy Royal
The ministerial association is comprised of community clergy who are interested in helping people. To distribute faith and love in Nebraska City and to help financially through vouchers and energy assistance.
Basic Needs & Food Pantry
SENCA (Southeast Nebraska Community Action
111 N 11th St, Nebraska City, NE 68410, USA
Carol Aufenkamp
SENCA's Otoe County Outreach is available to assist qualifying residents who are experiencing an emergency situation in areas such as rent, utilities and food insecurity. SENCA provides one-on-one holistic support by trained staff and can refer individuals to other in-house programs such as: job skills, weatherization, homebuyer education, down-payment assistance, owner-occupied rehab, radon mitigation, head start and court appointed special advocates (CASA).
Basic Needs
The Knights of Columbus
218 N 6th St, Nebraska City, NE 68410, USA
The Knights of Columbus, a men's group of St. Mary's Catholic Church, were formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.